Stained teeth

Stained teeth, also known as tooth discoloration, can occur due to various factors and can affect the appearance of your smile.

Stained teeth

Stained teeth, also known as tooth discoloration, can occur due to various factors and can affect the appearance of your smile.

I have stains on my teeth and I don’t like them, what can I do?

It’s true that the aesthetics of a smile have a significant effect when forming a first impression about a person. Similarly, the demand for dental treatments is increasingly shifting towards the need for aesthetic changes in the smile, particularly regarding its shape and color, such as the placement of ceramic veneers.

To address tooth discoloration and stains, it’s crucial to have a proper diagnosis from a dentist to determine the type of treatment needed for correction. For treating stains on the front teeth, we should opt for the most conservative options possible to preserve the maximum amount of enamel and dentin.

In conclusion, there are several options available, such as infiltrations, microabrasion, and macroabrasion. If you have any doubts or questions about tooth stains, we recommend scheduling an evaluation appointment.


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