Articles posted by Admin

Orthodontics and Facial Harmonization

Orthodontics and facial harmonization are interconnected with the goal of providing a more balanced face and boosting the patient’s confidence. Harmonization refers to the pursuit of balance. When we talk about facial harmonization, we mean achieving facial balance both vertically and horizontally—not just treating signs of aging such as wrinkles. Orofacial, in turn, highlights the

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Hábitos de sucção não nutritivos: chupeta e sucção dos dedos - O hábito de chuchar o polegar pode aparecer logo nas primeiras semanas de vida dos bebés (mesmo ainda dentro da barriga da mãe).

Sucking Habits and Tooth Development in Children

Non-Nutritive Sucking Habits: Pacifier and Thumb Sucking The habit of thumb-sucking can appear as early as the first weeks of a baby’s life (sometimes even while still in the womb). Thumb or tongue sucking are generally considered normal behaviors during the first year of life. In most cases, if feeding is done through natural breastfeeding,

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